A blood-red to reddish-orange translucent variety of chalcedony, carnelian is also occasionally called cornelian.  Its coloration is due to the presence of iron oxide, and it can be uniformly colored or banded.  Strongly banded material is known as carnelian agate.  Even though it’s found in many locations throughout the world, specimens found in Scotland, Brazil, and Washington State are among the localities that produce finer quality carnelian.  Cut from the relevant banded areas of larger agate nodules, good pieces of intense coloring are very rare.  Freshly mined carnelian, especially Indian material, is often placed in the sun to change brown tints to red. Similar to carnelian is sard, which is brown rather than red.

Carnelian was once thought to still the blood and calm the temper.  Conversely it was also said to give the owner courage in battle, and help timid speaker to be eloquent.

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